Useful Links

Image: Sphagnum © Norrie Russell

Useful Links


Peatland Code 

The Peatland Code can be found here.

Register an account on UK Land Carbon registry 

Register an account on the UK Land Carbon registry. 

User guide - how to register and add projects.

For technical assistance with the registry, please contact

Validation / Verification bodies

The current validation and verification bodies approved for Peatland Code projects are OF&GSoil Association and SAC Consulting.   

Project developers

Projects may wish to employ Project Developers to help them through the Peatland Code process.

Links to experienced project developers and other useful organisations can be found here.

Pending Issuance Units (PIU)

A PIU is effectively a ‘promise to deliver’ a Peatland Carbon Unit in the future, based on predicted emission reductions. It is not ‘guaranteed’, and cannot be used to report against UK-based emissions until verified. However, it allows companies to plan to compensate for future UK-based emissions, or make credible CSR statements in support of peatland restoration..

Peatland Carbon Units (PCU)

A PCU is a tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), which includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and aquatic carbon, of which the emission was avoided by a PC-verified peatland restoration project. It has been independently verified, which means that this emission reduction is guaranteed to have happened, and can be used by companies to report against UK-based emissions or to use in claims of carbon neutrality or Net Zero emissions.


For links to carbon brokers and other useful organisations see here.


Legal ownership of peatland carbon units 

In this document you can find concise advice on the current understanding of legal ownership of carbon units generated from peat from Strutt & Parker and Eftec, download here.

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