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Peatland restoration at National Trust’s Wicken Fen Nature Reserve
13:00 - November 11, 2024
In the latest Fens East Peat Partnership webinar, join Ellis Selway, Wicken Fen Peatland Restoration Project Manager as he outlines the physical challenges and opportunities of restoring ‘fenland’ peat within the current, and ‘vision’ area, of Wicken Fen. If all goes to plan, there will be a live feed of construction works being delivered through the Nature for Climate Grant.
Peat Café lunchtime lecture series: The Restorer Pays Principle?: Wetland Archaeology and Habitat Restoration
13:00 - November 11, 2024
The Peat Café builds on the network developed through both the University of Glasgow’s Bright Edge Deep and Discipline Hopping Wetlands initiative and Peat: Past Present and Future network based at the University of Manchester and the north-west more widely.
Paludiculture Conference
09:00 - November 13, 2024
Lowland peat provides critical ecosystem services. This conference reports on how these may be sustainably managed across the landscape. It introduces the projects of the founding members of the Shropshire Peat Partnership and will involve a panel discussion led by the Chair of the partnership Mr Scott Kirby.
Paludiculture Symposium
09:00 - November 14, 2024
What are the opportunities for growing different types of crops on rewetted lowland peat? Come and explore the options at this free farmer focused event and see our completed Paludiculture Innovation Project site to hear how Harper Adams University is supporting the establishment of this new sector.
Lowland Peat landscapes – sharing learning, creating opportunities
12:00 - November 25, 2024
Please join us at the Defra Forum "Building opportunities for our lowland peat landscapes" - through which we are looking to bring together everyone supporting positive change in England’s lowland peatlands and develop a more ambitious community of delivery.
Can-Peat: Canada's peatlands as nature-based climate solutions
15:00 - November 27, 2024
This presentation will introduce the Can-Peat project and ongoing activities including the advances in fostering collaboration in Canadian peatland research, the Canadian Peatland Data Portal, and activities to advance Indigenous data sovereignty for peatland data.
Rewetting peatlands: Shapwick Heath, Somerset & Marches Mosses, Shropshire
13:00 - December 2, 2024
December's Fens East Peat Partnership (FEPP) webinar features a presentation on two of the leading examples of lowland peat restoration covering techniques such as trench bunding, pasture to bog trials, re-engineering the arterial drainage, and the forest to bog tree removal system used to raise water levels at two ex-cut over peatland sites: Shapwick Heath NNR, part of the Avalon Marshes and Marches Mosses NNR, the third largest area of lowland-raised peatbog in the UK.