Spotlight Series

Our new Spotlight Series offers an opportunity for contributed projects to showcase their work and achievements to the peatland community.

Peatlands image © Tim Allot

Spotlight Series

Forest Carbon Ltd: Talla, Gameshope & Carrifran

February 23, 2022
The Talla, Gameshope & Carrifran peatland restoration is part of a landscape scale restoration to reestablish thriving native woodlands and fully functioning bog habitats in the Scottish Borders.

Langlands Moss LNR

December 14, 2021
Langlands Moss LNR project focuses to protect, conserve and restore all the peatland within the LNR in the hope that this will improve the hydrology, increase the lagg vegetation zone and expand the diversity of the natural ecotones of the reserve.

New LIFE for Welsh Raised Bogs

August 25, 2021
In partnership with local communities, landowners and contractors, the LIFE Welsh Raised Bogs project's work will include improving the conditions of the peatland, removing invasive species and scrub and introducing light grazing.

The Flows (Bringing LIFE Back to the Bogs)

August 25, 2021
The Flows project focuses on enhancing and promoting the special values of the peatlands of the Flow Country through the promotion of sustainable land management, the encouragement of sustainable community and economic development, and through co-ordinated action.

MoorLIFE 2020

August 25, 2021
The MoorLIFE 2020 project aims to restore and protect areas of Active Blanket Bog within the South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation, through undertaking concrete conservation activities, environmental monitoring and communication / education events.

Welsh Peatlands Project (Sustainable Management Scheme)

June 10, 2021
The Welsh Peatlands SMS project conducted and supported all types of peatland restoration across Wales, from stock management to hagg re-profiling to re-wetting. 

Binnian Lough and Binnian Lamagan Col (Healthy Heathland Project)

June 10, 2021
The Binnian Lough project sought to improve the hydrology on the sites to mitigate wildfire risk and create a carbon sink rather than a carbon source, as well as enhancing wildlife habitat and biodiversity.

Brown butterfly with black spots on pink bell shaped flower
New species showcase - large heathOur latest species showcase introduces the large heath butterfly, its association with two iconic…
Haresfoot cottongrass with blue sky in the background. Credit Laurie Campbell SNH
New briefing addresses the peatlands and methane debateThe IUCN UK Peatland Programme has launched a new briefing “Peatlands and Methane” that summarises…
Peatland with mountains in the background
New £3 million fund for peatland restoration in Northern IrelandApplications for the new £3million Peatland Challenge Fund to help protect Northern Ireland's…
Sphagnum moss on healthy peatland
Scotland’s Peatland ACTION programme hits record restoration milestoneFor the first time since the Peatland ACTION programme began, more than 10,000 hectares of damaged…
A cottongrass seedhead
New species showcase - cottongrassOur May species showcase looks at the role that cottongrass plays in peatlands, its cultural and…
Jennifer Fulton at an IUCN UK Peatland Programme conference
Remembering Jennifer FultonWe, at the IUCN UK Peatland Programme, are still reeling from the loss of Jennifer Fulton, Chief…
Dotterel (c) Pete Quinn
Conference 2024 tickets now on sale!Tickets for our 2024 conference in Aviemore, 17-19 September, are now on sale - join us to…
Dunlin (c) RSPB
New species showcase - dunlinThe third of our showcases explores the importance of dunlin as an indicator species for peatland…
Landscape view of Red Moss of Balerno
Peatland Code Public Consultation The Peatland Code is committed to continuous improvement and would like to invite you to comment on…
Micrograph of testate amoeba showing internal structures
Please give 10 minutes of your time to help answer the question: Is palaeoecological research utilised in UK peatland restoration projects? Can you complete a short survey on the extent to which palaeoecological research is utilised in UK…
Group of people stood in an open peatland landscape
Muirburn licencing made law in ScotlandScotland’s peatlands will benefit from increased protection due to a new law passed on 21st March…
Molinia Mulching Agglestone Mire, remover higher tussocks to increase the connectivity of the floodplain (c) Sally Wallington
Dorset peatland restorationThe Dorset Peat Partnership completed the first of their sixteen peatland restoration sites in…